Revisiting the Islamicate Africa: Social Movements, Religion, Music, and Beyond

The ECMC Chair in Islamic Studies and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (MEIS) cordially invite you to a panel of experts: 
Revisiting the Islamicate Africa: 
Social Movements, Religion, Music, and Beyond 
Featuring Panelists:
Temitope Oriola (Sociology)The Bring Back Our Girls Movement in Nigeria 
Michael Frishkopf (Music)Religious Freedom, Sects, Conflict, and Musical Ritual: Islam in Egypt and Ghana
Joseph Hill (Anthropology)A Hidden Qur’an: Senegal's Wolof Vernacular Sufi Poetry as a Path to Knowing God 
Jocelyn Hendrickson (History, Classics, Religion)Colonial Mauritania: Fatwas on Taqiyya 
Mojtaba Mahdavi (Political Science)Introduction and Moderation 
When: Monday March 17th | 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Where: University of Alberta Business School, Business Room 1-05

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Nazir Kassamali
Nazir Kassamali - Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Timely topic