University of Alberta – Main Campus
Department of Anthropology
Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
- ARAB 111 - Beginners' Arabic I
- ARAB 113 - Arabic I for Heritage Learner
- ARAB 211 - Intermediate Arabic I
- C LIT 101 - World Literature I
- C LIT 102 - World Literature II
- C LIT 207 - Modern Literary Thought
- C LIT 210 - Literature in the Digital Age
- MLCS 300 - Introduction to Translation
Department of History, Classics, and Religion
- HIST 134 - Global History of Alchemy: Quests for Gold, Power, and Immortality
- HIST 272 - Religion in History
- HIST 243 - The Golden Age of Islam: History of the Muslim World to the 16th Century
- HIST 323 - The Middle East in the Making: 1300-1920
- HIST 491/614 - Topics in Mediterranean History: The Crusades
- RELIG 111 - Comparative Themes in World Religions
- RELIG 202 - Introduction to Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
- RELIG 205 - Introduction to Judaism
- RELIG 212 - Introduction to Christianity
- RELIG 220 - Introduction to Islam
- RELIG 222 - History of Islam
- RELIG 270 - Contemporary Issues in Religion
- RELIG 320 - The Qur'an
- RELIG 375/575 - Approaches to the Study of Religion
- RELIG 397 - Special Topics in Religious Studies: Devils and Demonologies
- RELIG 422/520 - Advanced Studies in Islam: Islamic Law
- RELIG 520/HIST 699 - Specialized Studies in Islam: Islamic Studies Methods and Resources
- RELIG 575 - Contemporary Theories of Religion
Department of Music
- MUSIC 102 - Introduction to World Music
- MUSIC 148 - Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble (MENAME)
- MUSIC 202 - Studies in World Music
- MUSIC 448/548 - Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble (MENAME)
- MUSIC 468/568 - Area Studies in Ethnomusicology: The Arab World
- MUSIC 469/569 - Area Studies in Ethnomusicology: Music and Islam
- MUSIC 566 - Topics in Ethnomusicology
- MUSIC 665 - Issues in Ethnomusicology
- MUSIC 666 - Field Methods in Ethnomusicology
- MUSIC 650 - Proseminar in Music Theory
Department of Philosophy
- PHIL 203 - Islamic Philosophy
- PHIL 270 - Political Philosophy
- PHIL 301 - Topics in Non-Western and Comparative Philosophy
- PHIL 357 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 399 - Religious Existentialism
- PHIL 400 - Topics in Metaphysics
Department of Political Science
- POL S 380 - Politics in the Middle East
- POL S 477/577 - Islam, Modernity, and Democracy
- POL S 461/561 - International Relations of the Middle East
- POL S 464 - Gender, Conflict and Security
- POL S 443 - Globalization, Ethnic Politics and the Nation-State
- POL S 417 - Topics in Human Rights
- POL S 410 - Topics in Contemporary Political Theory
- POL S 444 - Global Critical Race Theory
- POL S 459 - Topics in International Politics
Department of Sociology
- SOC 473 - Sociology of Death and Dying
- SOC 425 - Sociology of Terrorism
- SOC 622 - Power, inequality and crime
University of Alberta – St. Joseph’s College
- CHRTC 203 (A1) - The Bible and the Quran: A Comparative Study
- PHIL 359 (B1) - Faith and Reason in Christianity and Islam
University of Alberta – Saint-Jean Campus
- ET RE 102 - Introduction aux religions de l’Occident (French)
- PHILE 242 - Introduction aux philosophies non occidentales