Imagining “Indigenous” and “Glocal” Democratic Socialism:

International Symposium:
Imagining “Indigenous” and “Glocal” Democratic Socialism: Can Freedom, Social Justice, and Civil Spirituality Coexist in Muslim Societies? ​

   When: Saturday and Sunday 27-28 April 2019, 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM
   Where: Room 134, Telus Centre, University of Alberta

In the midst of an organic crisis in much of the Muslim majority societies today, the ordinary people are caught between many rocks and hard places. The ideals of freedom, social justice and human dignity are endangered by the neoliberal global (dis)order, militant and autocratic secular modernity, right-wing populism, and the nativist, regressive and essentialist discourses of Islamism and hyper ethnic nationalism. These global and local discourses have caused many predicaments; they are, however, equally in a profound crisis – they are “exhausted epistemics.”

This international workshop/symposium aims to explore and problematize the conditions of possibility of emancipatory discourses of “indigenous” and “glocal” democratic socialism in Muslim majority societies. It proposes that multiple sources from global experiences and local traditions can contribute to a birth of a genuine and bottom-up humanist democratic socialism. This international workshop/symposium and the subsequent publication attempt to theorize and problematize “indigenous and glocal democratic socialism” and “whether and how freedom, social justice and civil spirituality can coexist”in Muslim majority contexts/societies.

Please visit the Symposium Program here
Please visit the Symposium Participants and Abstracts/bios here


Free Admission; All Welcome
Space is Limited; Please RSVP HERE

For more information please visit the Symposium Website

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