Turkey at the Crossroads: Identity Politics at Chaotic Times

Turkey at the Crossroads: Identity Politics at Chaotic Times

Presentation by Emrah Keskin (Phd Student, Department of Political Science)
Thursday, October 29th3:45pm | 10-04 Henry Marshall Tory Building, University of Alberta

Abstract: Amid failure to form a government following the June 7 elections, the citizens of Turkey are heading to the ballot once again on November 1st. The early election will be taking place amidst major social and political turmoil in the country. In the face of the renewed violence between Turkey and Kurdish insurgents, President Erdogan’s desire to establish executive presidency and the civil war in Syria, the outcome of Turkey’s elections will have a major impact not just in Turkey but also around the Middle East. In this event we will consider the changing political dynamics in Turkey and their implications for the future.

Biography: Emrah Keskin is a PhD student at the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta. He holds an MA from New York University, a BA from Sabanci University in Istanbul and has previously worked as a journalist for Radikal and Haberturk in Turkey.

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