Six Awards in Islamic, Muslim, and Middle East Studies

Six Awards in Islamic, Muslim, and Middle East Studies


Graduate students in the Faculty of Arts whose research projects are focused on socio-cultural, historical, religious, and/or political issues in Muslim contexts are encouraged to apply.

Deadline: Students should check with their departments for internal deadlines. The deadline for the Graduate Scholarship Committee is August 01, 2024.

Eligibility and Value: Please refer to the eligibility criteria and value for each award in the respective sections below.

  • Single Application Process: One application suffices for all awards except the Makhzoumi Graduate Scholarship in Lebanese Studies. This scholarship requires a separate application demonstrating the relevance of the applicant's research to the broader context of Lebanese Studies and the applicant's superior academic standing (GPA: 3.5/4.0).

Application Process: Graduate students need to submit their applications to their departments. A complete application package in a single PDF document should include the following materials:

  1. Letter of Application: A maximum of 500-word application letter describing the student’s research project and its relevance to the Award on Islamic Studies and/or Muslim Societies, indicating how the scholarship will support the research. (One page, single-sided, single-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman).
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV): A maximum of three-page CV highlighting the student’s academic accomplishments.
  3. Transcript of Academic Record: Downloaded/scanned copies are acceptable:

PhD and MA transcripts for PhD students.

BA and MA transcripts for MA students.

  1. Letters of Recommendation: Three letters of recommendation.

Departments are requested to email a complete application package for each eligible student to:

The ECMC Chair in Islamic Studies, Professor Mojtaba Mahdavi at:


The State of Kuwait Graduate Award in Islamic/Muslim Studies

Value: To Be Announced (TBA)

Eligibility Criteria: This award is available to applicants in the Doctoral program (years one through five) and the Master’s program (during the first two years, either course-based or thesis-based) in the Faculty of Arts, with research focusing on Islamic/Muslim Studies. Selections are based on the applicant's academic standing. Open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.

The Khalida Quraishi Memorial Graduate Award in Islamic Studies

Value: $1,500

Eligibility Criteria: Open to applicants in the Doctoral program (years one through six) and the Master’s program (years one through four, either course-based or thesis-based) in the Faculty of Arts, with research focusing on Islamic/Muslim Studies. Selections are based on the applicant's satisfactory academic achievement. Available to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.

The Fatima Al-Fihri Award in Islamic Studies

Value: $1,000

Eligibility Criteria: Open to applicants in the Doctoral program (years one through six) and the Master’s program (years one through four, either course-based or thesis-based) in the Faculty of Arts (full-time or part-time registered). Preference is given to a female student whose research focuses on African-centric Islamic studies. Selections are based on the applicant's academic achievement. Available to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.

The Makhzoumi Graduate Scholarship in Lebanese Studies

Value: To Be Announced (TBA)

Eligibility Criteria: This scholarship is available to applicants in the Doctoral program (years one through five) and the Master’s program (during the first two years, either course-based or thesis-based) in the Faculty of Arts. Applicants' research should be relevant to the broader context of Lebanese Studies. Selections are based on the applicant's superior academic standing (equivalent to a GPA of 3.5/4.0). Open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.

The ECMC Fund in memory of Mrs. Ayesha Lynda Quraishi, Mr. Mohiuddin Ahmad Quraishi, and Mehaboob Unisa Begum

Value: $1,000

Eligibility Criteria: Open to applicants in the Doctoral program (years one through six) and the Master’s program (years one through four, either course-based or thesis-based) in the Faculty of Arts, with research focusing on Islamic/Muslim Studies. Selections are based on the applicant's satisfactory academic achievement. Available to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.  

The Intissar Mourad Memorial Scholarship in Islamic Studies

Value: $2,000

Eligibility Criteria: The Award is open to applicants in the Doctoral program (years one through six), and the Master's program (years one through four - course-based or thesis-based) in the Faculty of Arts with research focusing on Islamic/Muslim Studies. Selections are based on the applicant's superior academic achievement (equivalent to a GPA of 3.5/4.0). This award is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.

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